Flight Training Courses

Flight Training Courses

South Bay Aviation is located in Torrance, CA right along the beautiful Palos Verdes Peninsula. Torrance Airport is an ideal place to learn to fly because it is located just outside the heart of LA. Many airports are close by such as Long Beach and Hawthorne, with many other airports to choose from. The practice area is also just minutes away and free from the complex airspace that Southern California is known for. These conditions make South Bay Aviation a great place to start your training. Whether you are a new student or a veteran looking to expand upon your ratings, South Bay Aviation has a course that is right for you. Below are some of the courses that South Bay Aviation offers. You can also take a Discovery Flight.

Private Pilot
Aircraft Checkouts
Biennial Flight Review (BFR)
Multi Engine
Commercial Pilot
Certified Flight Instructor
Airline Transport Pilot
IPC –Instrument Proficiency

Private Pilot

Whether your goals are to fly for pleasure, business, or air travel, the Private Pilot course is the place to start. As a Cessna Pilot Center, we are able to offer you award winning flight training in combination with Cessna and King Schools to maximize your learning and reduce the time it takes to get your Pilot Certificate. By using a “building block” approach to your training needs, we start with the basics such as level flight, turning, climbs and decents, to proper flight planning for a cross country flight and the skills you need to ensure a safe flight no matter where you fly.

Becoming a Private Pilot is both challenging and rewarding. During your flight training you will be given various “scenarios” that you will fly to test your skills. These scenarios are in tune with the stage of flying you are at, so you will always be learning to adapt to new things. Through these phases you will expand upon the knowledge you have learned with new skills to become a competent pilot.

Beyond your basic flight training, you will also be required to pass an FAA administered Written Exam. This test is 60 questions with a time limit of 2.5 hours with a test bank of about 800 questions. However, these questions are documented, so with test prep materials available in our store, you will be able to study and prepare for the exam. Once you are prepared, your instructor will sign you off and you can take the test with confidence.

Once your training is complete, you will take a Practical Test with an FAA examiner who will test you on the maneuvers you practiced in your training and your ability to fly an airplane safely. After successfully passing the test, you are now a Private Pilot! Congratulations!

As a private pilot you will enjoy the pleasures of flight and experience many new places along the way. You will also be able to expand upon the knowledge you take with you in new endeavors and new ratings or certificates. The Private Pilot Certificate is only the beginning for many, and where you decide to go is up to you. Remember, the sky is the limit!

Instrument Rating

This rating allows you greater flexibility as a pilot, and increases your skill at controlling an aircraft. The addition of this rating also provides a higher element of safety. Over the past years, the number one cause for general aviation accidents has been a result of continued flight into deteriorating weather conditions. A pilot who is certified with this rating is more prepared when weather conditions deteriorate. They have a better understanding of how to avoid unsafe weather and are able to safely and legally fly through clouds or dense fog when it cannot be avoided.

South Bay Aviation again uses a kit designed by Cessna and King Schools to keep your training complete and familiar. You will also continue flying with your instructor towards your next rating. The instrument course, like the Private Pilot course, requires a FAA administered written test and practical test.

Aircraft Checkouts

Whether you are a newly certified pilot or an experienced veteran, learning to fly new aircraft is always exciting. South Bay Aviation provides an aircraft checkout program to ensure that you can fly the aircraft of your choosing safely while maintaining the high level of training you are accustomed to. Want to fly a Diamond Katana instead of a Cessna? How about bringing a group of friends to Los Vegas in a Piper? The choice is yours when it comes to which plane you want to fly and we are here to service your needs. All you need is some training in the aircraft and our instructors will sign you off to enjoy the same flight you are used to in a new cockpit.

Biennial Flight Review (BFR)

While your pilot certificate never expires, your flight proficiency and currency does. The FAA mandates that every 24 calendar months (2 years) you must take a biennial flight review, often referred to as the BFR. You don’t need to think of this as a test. It is more of a lesson designed to touch up the areas of operation you might be weak on and tailored to your needs. It consists of at least 1 hour of ground instruction and 1 hour flight instruction. However, most people require more time but it depends on the individual. If you fly on a regular basis, your lesson(s) will be much shorter than those that haven’t flown in months or years. Whatever your case, we will be glad to get you current and back in the air!

If you need something that is not on this list, call or stop by and we will gladly see if we can meet your needs.

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